Universal TLR Light Bearing Kydex DC 4 Series Holster
Our DC-4 Series TLR Holster uses your attached torch for retention. If you run the same torch on multiple weapons, then this is the holster for you. After extensive testing of over 150 pistols, we only found 3 pistols that wouldn’t fit; the full size Desert Eagle, ASG USW and the Hudson. Our DC-4 Series will fit the bigger frame guns, like the FNX pistols, weapons with wide trigger guards, like the AAP and pistols with taller slides like the 1911.
Every Kydex holster that leaves us is formed from an in-house designed mould and is manufactured entirely in the UK.
These holsters are manufactured entirely in the UK from genuine 2mm P1 Kydex.
Made of genuine 2mm Thick Kydex
Works with TLR – 1 and TLR -1HL (and clones)
3 Adjustable Retention points for a tailored level of fitment
Accepts Suppressor Height Sights
Accepts Threaded Barrels
Works with over 150 different pistols
Additional Information:
Due to how a Light bearing holster works, you cannot use the Hoslter without the torch attached, as the gun will just fall out. Please see our DC-1 Series Holsters if you do not have a torch for your pistol
Due to the weight of a pistol with torch we recomend pairing your holster with a Mid Ride and Leg strap. That will give you the most stable platform.
All of our DC-4 Series holsters are able to attach onto mounting platforms which use a 3-screw system these include, but are not limited to:
G-Code and G-Code RTI
We set the retention screw to a standard fit, we suggest you alter it if needed and then use a small amount of Loctite or Super Glue to make sure it stays tight.
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